Posts Tagged ‘Bruce Tretter’

How to Cut a Fresh Pineapple Quickly and Easily

Fresh pineapple: crisp tropical flavor, symbol of hospitality – perfect for the holidays!

Just click either picture on this page for complete step-by-step picture book directions showing how to check a pineapple for ripeness and cut it as quickly, easily and safely as possible.

Next post: easy to make pineapple, yogurt, jam and dried fruit salad 

Living Holiday Spirit

I don’t know if it’s just how fast time flies, repetition or over-commercialization, but I find myself referring to this time of year more and more as the “horror-days”.


And then something happens that, even though it’s become part of the routine this time of year, also grabs right through my ribs and breathes a warm, bright spark of Read more »

Chocolate Laced Flu Relief

I know there’s no such medicine labeled “chocolate laced flu relief”. I do know, though, that this year’s version of the flu very effectively faked left and went right around the flu shot I got this fall and totally zapped my drive for physical activity and interest in food. Ow! Read more »

Mind Food: Higgs Boson, Reality, and Life

Sean Carroll: The Particle at the End of the Universe

Got nailed by the flu the other day (despite getting a flu shot this fall) and was so out of it yesterday I didn’t even want to think of food to write about or eat. Instead, I did what my son did when he was flu-zonked himself this weekend; I fed my mind – while I was awake – and watched an hourlong YouTube video: Sean Carroll – The Particle at the End of the Universe (  Read more »

Cycling: Chocolate Pumped “Star Wars” Ride Fuel

Wnter Storm Electra and road just before the snowI don’t know how you feel when there’s a big snow storm expected, but for me, my mind flips a switch, my heart rate goes up in eager anticipation, and one of my favorite things to do is to get out on the bike and try to time it just right headed for home just as the snowflakes start flying.  I call it a “Star Wars” ride because the flakes I see through my cycling glasses  look like stars shooting past by Luke Skywalker’s x-wing fighter cockpit window. No-kidding, as soon as that happens, I can hear John Williams and his whole orchestra in my mind belt out the main title Stars Wars symphony. Talk about a big smile! Read more »

Cycling: Winter Pre-Ride Holiday Flavored Breakfast with a Kiwi Twist

You bet it’s gonna’ stay darn cold here in the Northeast with a good shot of snow expected this weekend from winter storm Electra. My heart’s already racing about the probability of doing some cross training on cross country skis. But until then, there’s still clear weather to get on the bike to see things like this.

New England Winter Riding Early December 2013

Gorgeous! The key to making it work is dressing and eating right. Read more »

Cycling: Winter Ride Fueled By Holiday Flavor

I tell people with a good smile, “Weather’s a state of mind – just be prepared”. Gotta’ say that line went from smile to laugh when I got out to a frozen car to get my son to school before dawn this morning and then came home to see this online.

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Oobleck and Actively Engaged Third Graders


After a very fun and engaging read with Hastings 3rd gradersJust as it always is, it was an invigorating pleasure reading Dr. Seuss’s Bartholomew and the Oobleck on Monday with Hastings third graders in Tom Salvemini’s class joined with students from Julia Horowitz’s class. The best thing about it is seeing and hearing how uniquely engaged the students are year to year. Read more »

Winter Cycling – 1st Star Wars Ride of December

Woke this morning to UGH! bad cycling weather news online. But then while making coffee, I saw this out my kitchen window – sun and a patch of clear sky.

Maybe I could get out for a “Star Wars on the bike” ride – a ride with flakes flying by my face like stars flying by Luke’s X-wing fighter. Read more »

Short Notice Cycling Rocket Fuel: Nut Butter and Trail Mix Toast


With the weather turning on a dime the way it has lately as fall blends into winter, I’ve been hawking the forecast both online and out my window quite a bit lately to pick just the right time to rip out on the bike. Inevitably, I’ll find that window opens just after whatever I’ve had for breakfast or lunch has already spent all its energy inside me. Yah, I sure know a good deal of that energy loss could be due to some of the “caged Bruce” pacing I do between work tasks.   Read more »

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