Posts Tagged ‘VOmax’

Cycling and Magic of the Unexpected, Part One: Hutchin’s Farm

Open road; spinning legs; sights, sounds, smells, air temps that change on the fly: they’re all a big part of the thrill of cycling for me. And then there’s the magic of the unexpected.

Aside from the pure joy of spending most of the day on the road  bike, my purpose last Saturday was to ride to Concord to make whole for an accidental $6 underpayment of fresh basil at Hutchin’s Farm just up the road from the historic Old North Bridge. (I only paid for 2 bunches and then realized when I got home that I was kindly, but unknown to me and the person who handed me the basil, given 2 clusters of 2 fresh bunches each when I visited the farm stand weeks ago.)

As soon as I hopped off the bike, after a gorgeous ride from Westborough to Concord, I explained to Brain Daubenspeck, one of the farm managers pictured below, what had happened and why I was there. The story gave him a smile. He insisted we were all square, and asked only that I tell people about the farm. Telling about the all organic farm, which I then visited the next day by car to buy – and pay correctly – for their incredibly fresh and flavorful produce, including another fresh bunch of basil, it is exactly what I’m doing here. Thanks very much, Brian. and thanks, Hutchin’s Farm! You bet, I’ll be back again soon.

Next post – Part 2: Concord Wine & Cheese Shop and Mimolette Cheese

Anti-Inflammatory Fresh Ginger Cilantro Kefir Salad Dressing Picture Book Recipe

Fresh Ginger Cilantro Kefir Salad Dressing

If you’re an athlete or physically active at all, you know how inflammation exhibited in joint or muscle pain inhibits how you move your body. Inflammation is also a key contributor to diseases, such as cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and much more.
The very easy to make, fully-flavorful fresh low fat salad dressing you see here goes great on any salad as shown below – or anything savory – and contains kefir (a good bacteria, yogurt-like fermented milk drink), fresh garlic, fresh ginger, fresh cilantro, ground turmeric, mustard, apple cider vinegar, ground black pepper, and honey – all of which are rich with anti-inflammatory benefits.

Fresh Ginger Cilantro Kefir Salad Dressing on Vegetable Tortilla Read more »

Turning Lemons into Lemonade: Figuratively and Literally

First, the figurative lemon. I recently became part-owner of VOmax, makers of custom design performance sportswear. When my new business partner, Raj Singh, took ownership at the beginning of the year, the company was dysfunctional. Business was down. Morale was low.

Our objective as new owners: transform the company from dysfunction to excellence. Easy to say, hard to do. But even in dark times, there’s usually a bright side – and, in our case, quite a few of them.

We started right away promoting excellence in our products and service – always a dynamic process. On the personnel front, we recently hired a new graphic artist, Fred Crisp – excellent talent, positive attitude, and terrific eye for detailed art/design. Then, just last month, we hired an outstanding merchandiser and production manager with lifelong experience in the apparel business and fresh PhD, Charm Rammandala – you bet, he’s a charm!

VOmax team transferring graphics from paper to cycling jersey fabric

We’ve also retained and added to our skilled, highly talented core of technicians on our factory floor, who expertly put all our products together with loving care. Love makes a family. The new VOmax is our family, and all of us are now fully alive exuding, “You’ve never seen us like this before!” pride.

Now, for the literal lemon and how to turn it into fresh lemonade. Just click this link or picture below for a complete, easy to follow step-by-step picture book recipe that shows how to do that both with the traditional amount of sugar and also with reduced sugar – that’s the way I have it now. Great stuff!

Bottom line: no matter how sour the lemon, there’s always a way to turn that bad boy around to something positively sweet.

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