Fruit, yogurt and more? Sure, always more! With full-on flavor – that’s half the fun of it. What you see above is what I put together to rocket-fuel up or an excellent hop on the bike with good buds this morning (below) – and with no need to refuel on the way.
You can get the base recipe I used, Summer Multi-Fruit Salad, by clicking either this link or any picture on this page.
To mix it up a bit, here’s what I used for ingredients and…
…how I put it all together – fruit first; then nut butter, cookie butter spread, jam; Greek yogurt & ground flaxseed with nutritional yeast…
The key word to an energy sustaining rocket fuel breakfast: opposition. Opposition here means counterbalancing complex instant “get up and go” energy carbohydrates with longer burning proteins and fats that provide “keep the drive alive” sustained energy.
One of my favorites that wraps that combination all in one – with full-on flavor – is fresh fruit pancake like the cherry peach pancake shown here.
The best part about this pancake is that it’s nothing like traditional spongy, syrup-sucking flapjacks. No sir/ma’am! These pancakes are rich in protein, have just enough flour to keep them together as they cook in the pan and are packed with fresh fruit. Now, you won’t picture book directions for this specific cherry peach pancake because the only difference between it and the cherry pancake picture book recipe you can get here is the added fresh peach slices on top of the pancake as shown below – and, of course, you can substitute those peaches – or cherries – with any fresh fruit you like.
Click this link or any picture on this page to get the full cherry pancake step-by-step picture book recipe, and either have that pancake exactly as shown in the recipe (though cherries might be tough to find right now) or improvise with any fresh fruit you like.
June 22nd, 2023 Blog, EmpowermentComments Off on Only You Can Empower You!
There’s no way around it; you are the only person who can empower you because real empowerment doesn’t come from without, it comes from within. The best anyone else can do is provide you with the skills and tools you need to empower yourself. After that, it’s up to you to internalize what you’ve learned until you feel, know and behave fully empowered, which is both life changing and the most “eyes open, head screwed on tight” way you can contribute positively to life across the board: your personal relationships, your work, your community and much more.
The purpose of this site is to provide you with the skills you need to help empower yourself regarding the three foundations that make us who we are: what we eat, the need to move our bodies deliberately and rigorously and how we manage stress, with an emphasis here mostly on that first foundation, what we eat.
I look forward to interacting with you and continuing to share fully flavorful, quality of life-promoting step-by-step picture book cooking recipes…and much more – and having a lot of fun doing it!
Top left & right: In DC for National Bike Summit. Bottom left: riding Fiesta Island with good Navy bud, Stormin’ Walker. Bottom right: “on the fly” improvised fruit pancake.
Here’s an “on the fly” example. Was in San Diego last week at my Navy big brother’s place and made this improvised strawberry, blackberry and banana pancake for breakfast.
I’ve certainly made lots of fruit pancakes but never one with strawberries, bananas and blackberries. No big deal.
The keys to improvising are having a good, reliable, easy to remember base recipe and trusting your taste to make what you want. Also no big deal – but a lot of fun.
My base recipe for fruit pancakes: apple pancake. If you’re an apple fan at all, I think you’ll find that pancake both fully-flavor-satisfying and one that will let answer the question, “I wonder how it would taste if I made it with _______?” As soon as you ask that question – and you’re willing to take a little leap in faith – you’re off to the “on the fly” improvised races!
Last post was about a crepe I made with nut butter, cookie spread and raisins, as my dear ol’ mom used to say, “JIC”. And that “JIC” was “just in case” I needed it to refuel on a 60 mile North Carolina ride. And though I didn’t need to refuel on the ride, that full-on flavorful crepe sure didn’t go to waste. No way!
Crepe with nut butter, cookie spread; fruit with yogurt, jam & dried fruit; and coffee
Last weekend I used half of that leftover crepe for breakfast, as shown above, along with fruit, yogurt, jam and dried fruit and a vat of coffee – and, you bet, both the crepe and coffee got a good shot of whipped cream. Again, that breakfast – and a good meal the night before (equally as important) –
…sustained me just fine for another 60 mile less hilly ride, as shown above, with no need to chomp on the nuts, raisins and dried coconut I bagged and shoved in my pocket, again, “JIC”. Ha, Mom!
And crepes make for great “on-the-fly” food. I made a stack of crepes before taking off across the country this summer. On that trip, I loved keeping my foot on the gas to take in all I could about our wonderfully vibrant country. Those crepes worked great for making lunches that I enjoyed rolling on the road, like the ham, cheese and mustard crepe shown above.
I made that crepe no-kidding while gassing up the car and, therefore, didn’t take pictures. When I got home, though, I shot this easy to make Tuna and Provolone Cheese Crepe that you can make either as shown below or by substituting the tuna and provolone cheese with any meat, vegetable and cheese you like. Imagination and flavor rule!
Here’s what I used to put together this Tuna and Provolone Cheese Crepe: leftover pan cooked tuna, provolone cheese, mustard and crepe.
Tuna and Provolone Cheese Crepe Ingredients
I started by spreading mustard on the crepe, laying on a slice of provolone cheese and hand-pulling apart pieces of leftover cooked tuna on half the crepe.
Spreading mustard on a crepe and topping with provolone cheese & cooked tuna
Warm the topped crepe in the microwave oven for 20 seconds.
Warm the crepe in the microwave oven for 20 seconds
Take the warmed crepe out of the microwave oven and fold the cheese only covered half over the tuna covered side and…
Fold the warmed crepe one half over the other half
Last post – I know, quite a while ago – showed how to make fresh crepes, which are just as easy to make as flapjack pancakes but are way more versatile, as shown with just a few examples above.
Whether you use your own crepes or pre-made store bought crepes, the top middle version, filled with nut butter and jam and topped with yogurt and whipped cream is very easy to make, killer flavorful and great power fuel for any kind of strenuous activity because of its combination of simple “get up and go!” sugars from the jam and cookie spread (optional), complex carbs from the flour in the crepe, protein from the egg in the crepe, Greek yogurt and nut butter, and fats from nut butter, yogurt (if you use whole milk yogurt) and whipped cream.
Here’s what I use to put together a crepe like this: homemade crepe (which can be substituted with a prepared, store bought crepe), then from left to right: whole milk Greek yogurt, almond butter, cookie spread (optional – I love both added flavor and light crunch!), jam, raisins and whipped cream.
Crepe with nut butter, jam, yogurt and whipped cream ingredients
Start by spreading nut butter, cookie spread (optional) and jam down the middle of the crepe.
Spreading nut butter, cookie spread and jam down the middle of a crepe
I fold over one of the crepe thirds and add a dab of nut butter to the middle of that third and then fold over the opposing third, as shown below, to keep the crepe folded in place when I warm it in the microwave oven.
Using nut butter to keep the folded crepe thirds together when warmed in the microwave oven
Warm the filled crepe in the microwave oven for 20 seconds.
Warming the filled crepe for 20 seconds in the microwave oven
Finish buy topping the warmed crepe with yogurt and whipped cream.
Finishing with a good shot of yogurt and whipped cream
This crepe just by itself is great. Here’s how I have it before a good crunch on the bike that keeps me satisfied completely with no need to refuel on the fly for distances of 30-50+ miles with plenty of North Carolina hills along the way.
Pre-ride crepe with nut butter, cookie spread, jam, yogurt and whipped cream
The most important tip regarding spinach is that the less you cook it, the more you retain its flavor, texture, and terrific nutritional value – high in the oil soluble vitamins A, E and K and water soluble vitamins B2, B6 and C as well as rich iron and magnesium content. There’s just no comparison between quickly cooked fresh spinach and spinach that’s been cooked to a very distasteful mushy mass. (My favorite source for spinach’s nutrition and health benefits is The World’s Healthiest Foods:
The second most important tip: to avoid an unpleasant crunch on the sandy soil spinach grows in, always give fresh spinach a Read more »
Dig kale? I didn’t until only a few years ago, but now I’m a big fan, especially when it’s made the way you see here!
Nutritionally, kale rates highest along with collard, turnip, and mustard greens, Swiss chard, and upland watercress with a score of 1000 on the Read more »
November 10th, 2015 Blog, Snacks, VegetablesComments Off on Brussels Sprouts Chips – Flavorful Alternative to Bagged Chips & All in Pictures
Brussels sprouts chips are an excellent quick, flavorful, and much more nutritious alternative to commercially bagged chips.
The hardest part about making these great tasting chips – and it’s actually not hard at all; it just takes a little time – is peeling the sprout leaves as shown above. After that, it’s just add oil, broil & enjoy!