Posts Tagged ‘Bruce Tretter’

Living the Moment Pure Winter Magic

Cornflake size snowflakes in the Westborough rotary

Got home from the rink about 9:30 Saturday morning just as light snowflakes started to fall. “C’mon, man. Move!”, I told myself, sometimes quite out loud, while I changed into bike clothes in what seemed like slow motion.

But then I pushed out – “finally, ya’ big…” and the flakes were floating fat as cornflakes, which  “thwapped” my face, made me laugh, and turned the road to salty, sandy crunchy goo. Even though it was only 5 miles, it was one of the best “Star Wars” rides (flakes = flying stars) I’ve ever had, especially knowing I’d made the most of a window that closed just as I got home. Read more »

Westborough Bike & Pedestrian Committee Progress

Westborough Bike and Pedestrian Advisory Committee progress as of January 14, 2014

What I like most about being on the Westborough BPAC (Bike & Pedestrian Advisory Committee) is getting the kind of things done we reported to our Board of Selectmen last night.

First, our charge:

  • Improve bike and pedestrian safety and accessibility in town.
  • Build multi-use trails.

Here’s where we are since our progress report last spring. Read more »

Mindful Eating: The Key to a Meaningful Diet

First, I think when people hear or speak the word “diet”, they mean one intended to promote weight loss, though diet in its pure sense is what we as individuals eat regularly. Everyone has a diet, whether it’s healthy or not, and some of those diets are more targeted than others. A gluten-free diet is one specifically intended to eliminate gluten consumption. A diabetic diet is one intended to control blood sugar levels. The list of targeting dieting options is probably endless.

Second, I’m a huge TED talk fan. TED stands for “technology, entertainment and design”. TED talks are short, specific, delivered by experts and, to me at least, add an enriching and inspiring perspective to life. Read more »

Ugh! Antidote

UGH! late night dinner

Yep, that’s what I had way too much of right before going to bed after coming home from a trip at 2am yesterday morning. Still, even though I felt like a toad when I got up not too much after I finally went to bed, I got right back into my regular exercise routine with weights, stretches and core strengthening and – and a “you gotta’ be kidding me” big laugh after not doing them for 12 days. I then had a chopped apple, yogurt and fruit spread for lunch, which kept me going comfortably for the rest of the day. Read more »

One Word About a Late Night Big Meal Right Before Bed

Just one word to describe how my body and head feel after eating a big meal late at night right before bed:


Sleep Benefits: More Than Just Vanity

Like you, I’m sure, I’ve heard that “You need to get more sleep” line for years. And like you too, I’m just as certain, I blew off that advice for decades thinking I was doing myself and others a much better service by powering through being tired.

Recently, though, I’ve looked at sleep very differently. “Look” is the key word, and yes, a good part of it is vanity-motivated. Every morning I wake up absolutely convinced I’m still 18 – until someone with lines of chronological experience etched on his face scares the hell out of me by looking back in the mirror when I shave. Read more »

Glow Wine: Biting Cold Antidote


Glow (Mulled) Wine

Glow wine comes from the German word “gluehwein” (pronounced “glue-vine”). The American term for the same or similar drink is “mulled wine”. But “glow” makes this very simple and fantastically flavorful hot drink sound so much more magical, which is just what you need to warm you right down to your soul when it’s as biting and dark outside as it will be tonight.

Here’s a picture of the ingredients you’ll need – all commonly found. Just click either picture on this page for a complete step-by-step picture book recipe. Stay warm!

Glow wine ingredients

Coconut Sugar: Great Tasting White Sugar Alternative

I just tried organic coconut sugar for the first time and love its advertised “light caramelized flavor” in coffee. After researching coconut sugar online, I found that even though it contains just about the same calorie count as white sugar, 15-16 calories per teaspoon, coconut sugar, derived from the coconut blossom sap, has the following benefits:

  • it contains vitamins, minerals (potassium, magnesium, zinc and iron) and amino acids (white sugar has no mineral content)
  • it has a relatively low Glycemic Index (GI) of 35, which means it takes about twice as long as white sugar (GI of 60-80) for the body to absorb
  • it is rated as a highly sustainable food (produced mostly in the Philippines and Indonesia)

Despite its benefits, though, coconut sugar is still sugar, which is great in moderation as a flavor enhancer but poor overall as a sound nutritional source.

For more information, check out these links:

Loving What I Learn From My Kids

My oldest son turned 22 today. To call him a kid now doesn’t seem right, though thankfully he’s got a lot of kid in him that I hope and think will be with him for a long, long time.

I’ve always said I love my kids where they are now and every moment in that now we pass through together. That’s life. And that life has sure had its moments of thrills, tears, laughs, frustrations and smiles punctuated by moments of enlightenment when I’ve learned something from them that has life affecting real meat on the bone. Read more »

Pineapple, Yogurt, Jam and Dried Fruit


As promised, here’s a quick and easy way to use freshly cut pineapple. All you have to do is add yogurt, jam and dried fruit, and you are good to go.

Here’s what you need. Just click either picture on this page for a complete step-by-step picture book recipe.

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