Posts Tagged ‘Bruce Tretter’

Microwave Cooked Bowl Pancake – All in Pictures

Microwave Bowl Pancake

Gorgeous weather here in the Northeast! Legs are screamin’ at me to get out on the bike – I’ll obey ‘soon as I fire this off!

Here’s what I had yesterday morning to power me through putting together the step-by-step picture book recipe you can get here and a 35+ mile bike ride later in the afternoon (admittedly, after a nut butter and toast snack shortly before hitting the road).

Microwave Cooked Bowl PancakeThe great things about a bowl pancake:

  1. Fantastic flavor that can be altered easily to suit your individual taste.
  2. Speed.
  3. Ease – you use the same bowl to mix, cook and eat the pancake, which makes both prep and cleanup as fast and easy as possible.

Here’s what you need to make a microwave cooked bowl pancake.

Needed to Make a Microwave Bowl PancakeClick any picture on this page for a complete, easy to follow step-by-step picture book recipe.

Microwave Cooked Bowl Pancake Picture Book Recipe pages

Microwave Cooked Pasta with Instant Tuna Parmesan – All in Pictures

Microwave Cooked Pasta with Instant Tuna ParmesanI mentioned in the last post I had another microwave cooked pasta one-bowl meal recipe ready to go. Here it is: Microwave Cooked Pasta with Instant Tuna Parmesan, which is just an easy variation on the Microwave Cooked Pasta with Instant Chicken Parmesan I posted about a week ago.

Briefly, all you need to do is add the ingredients you see below in a microwave oven safe bowl, heat for about 2 minutes in the microwave oven, and you’re done. Easy – and darn flavorful!

Needed to make microwave cooked pasta with instant tuna ParmesanAs always, click any picture on this page for a complete, easy to follow step-by-step picture book recipe.

Microwave Cooked Pasta with Instant Tuna Parmesan recipe pages

Left-Handed (Fully Flavorful) Fried Eggs – All in Pictures

Left-Handed EggsI’ve posted a few microwave cooked pasta one-bowl meals here recently, and though I do have one more all set to go, I thought I’d change it up a bit with a fully flavorful fried egg recipe my son introduced me to last year he calls “Left-Handed Eggs”.

I asked my son, why the name, “left-handed”? “Just because.” Quite right! Absolutely! Right on!

The great things about these “left-handed eggs” is that, first, they taste great, and second, they take no longer to make than straight up fried eggs because the flavor-enhancing ingredients are added as the eggs cook in the pan.

Here’s what it takes to make left-handed (fully flavorful) fried eggs.

Needed to make left-handed fried eggsAs always, click any picture on this page for a complete, easy to follow step-by-step picture book recipe.

Left-Handed Eggs Step-By-Step Recipe pages

Microwave Cooked Pasta with Instant Chicken Parmesan – All in Pictures

Microwave Cooked Pasta with Instant Chicken ParmesanThis is a great way to use leftover pasta to put together a fast, flavorful meal. Just use that pasta, chicken (or any) cold cuts, your favorite pasta sauce, some cheese, then cook it for about 1 1/2 minutes in the microwave oven, and you’re done. Easy!

Here’s what you need to put together microwave cooked pasta with instant chicken Parmesan.

Needed to make pasta with instant chicken parmesanClick any picture on this page for a complete, easy-to-follow step-by-step picture book recipe.

Microwave Cooked Pasta with Instant Chicken Parmesan recipe pages

Microwave Cooked Pasta with Apples and Cheese – All in Pictures

Microwave Cooked Pasta with Apples and CheesePasta with fresh apples and cheese? You bet! It’s really just a minor variation on pasta with lighter Alfredo sauce (I’ll lay down the microwave cooked version of that real soon). Then throw in some dried cranberries for a chewy “zing” and a shot of balsamic vinegar for a good shot of zest! It’s all very quick & easy, especially if you’re using leftover pasta.

Here’s what you need to make microwave cooked pasta with apples and cheese.

Needed to make microwave cooked pasta with apples and cheeseClick any picture on this page for a complete, easy-to-follow step-by-step picture book recipe.

Microwave Cooked Pasta with Apple and Cheese pages

How to Clean a Can Top Picture Book Directions

How to Clean a Can Top Picture Book Directions Pages

Not that this is THE most exciting stuff in the world, but it sure makes sense…and I will lay down the first of at least a couple microwave cooked pasta meals starting 2 days from now. You bet!

Though I recently posted step-by-step picture book directions showing how to clean a can top before opening a can, I thought I’d add those directions to a new page titled “Kitchen How To’s” you can get to either by clicking either picture on this page or by clicking the “How To & Tips” tab from the banner in the middle of the Gotta’ Eat, Can’t Cook homepage, then clicking…

Gotta' Eat, Can't Cook How To & Tips photo


…”Kitchen How To’s” from the drop down menu,…

Kitchen How To's dropdown

…and finally clicking the picture of “How to Clean a Can Top”.

How to Clean a Can Top photo

Microwave Cooked Pasta: Fast, Easy and All in Pictures

Fresh microwave oven cooked pastaCooking pasta in the microwave oven is incredibly fast and easy – and works best for only 1-2 servings and for those pastas that require 6 minutes or less cooking time.

Here’s all you need to make microwave cooked pasta.

Needed to Make Microwave Cooked PastaTip: a wetted paper works great to minimize splatter while the pasta cooks at a constant high heat in the microwave oven.
Covering pasta bowl with wetted paper towel before cooking in the microwave oven

Click any picture on this page for a complete easy-to-follow step-by-step picture book recipe.

Microwave Cooked Pasta Step-By-Step Picture Book Recipe pagesNext posts: easy to make microwave cooked one bowl pasta meals.


Pre-Ride Low Sugar, High Protein Breakfast

Pre-Ride Breakfast 5-15-14

What’s not to be charged about? Spring weather’s finally really here. Everyday I’m on the bike I see more green sprouting, more wildlife in fields and in the air, and even some wild things like the Grafton Upton Train cutting across Old Upton Road in Grafton. Cool!

Grafton Upton Train Read more »

How To Clean a Can Top – You Bet, In Pictures!


Pouring evaporated milk from a freshly opened canWe know we need to wash our hands before handling food. We know we should rinse fresh fruits and vegetables with edible skins before preparing or eating them. But what about can tops – whether we’re taking the whole top off, like with this tuna can…

Opening a tuna can with a can opener

…or just popping a hole in it, like with this can of condensed milk? No matter how carefully we open a can, the top of the can always comes in contact with at least some of the contents inside the can. Read more »

French Toast with a Savory Topping – All in Pictures

French Toast with a Savory ToppingYah, I know, ‘sounds weird at first – but then, wow, French toast with a savory topping? You’ll own it, especially for lunch or even dinner.

Here’s all you need for ingredients, all of which look GREAT!

French Toast with a Savory Topping IngredientsJust click any picture on this page for a freshly revised, complete step-by-step picture book recipe.

French Toast with a Savory Topping Picture Book Recipe Pages

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