Killer Fun 2nd Annual Pour Choices “Shagsgiving”

Friends and family make all the difference – always! And that difference lives on vibrantly in our warm, energetically tight Hickory area Carolina Shag dance family.

Sure, we love tearing it up on the dance floor. But we’re tight in a way that’s no kidding soul-to-sou and always there for each other no matter what. Nothing better!

I told that to good Westborough, MA, friend, Deb Ledoux, about a month ago. She’d never heard of Carolina Shag dancing and got a laugh when I old her about our Thanksgiving shag family dinner-dance at our favorite weekly Wednesday night spot, Pour Choices in Newton. “Thanksgiving? Why don’t you call it Shagsgiving?”

“Great idea!” That’s what we call it now, and that’s what we had last night for the second straight. Killer food,…

Shagsgiving food spread: roast turkey, layer cake, and much more.

…hoppin’ dance steps,…

Terrifically fun Carolina Shag dancing at Pour Choices, Newton, NC

…and best of all, having it all with a full-on loving family that goes beyond the fun of good food and dancing!

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