Archive for the ‘How To & Tips’ Category

How To Clean a Can Top – You Bet, In Pictures!


Pouring evaporated milk from a freshly opened canWe know we need to wash our hands before handling food. We know we should rinse fresh fruits and vegetables with edible skins before preparing or eating them. But what about can tops – whether we’re taking the whole top off, like with this tuna can…

Opening a tuna can with a can opener

…or just popping a hole in it, like with this can of condensed milk? No matter how carefully we open a can, the top of the can always comes in contact with at least some of the contents inside the can. Read more »

Easy and Safe Soft or Hard Boiled Eggs – In Pictures and Video

All right! Adios, snow – bring on spring! The weather’s getting better – yah! We’ve got a big holiday weekend ahead. Boiled eggs – either plain white or brightly colored – are gonna’ be centerpieces of kids’ dreams Saturday night and breakfast tables Sunday morning – and, yes, it takes a real man – or woman – to eat those eggs out of the cups you see above – all in fun.

For the easiest and safest way I know to make soft or hard boiled eggs, just click any picture on this page for a free, newly revised much more colorful Gotta’ Eat, Can’t Cook step-by-step picture book recipe, and/or check out this short step-by-step video.


How to Cut a Fresh Pineapple Quickly and Easily

Fresh pineapple: crisp tropical flavor, symbol of hospitality – perfect for the holidays!

Just click either picture on this page for complete step-by-step picture book directions showing how to check a pineapple for ripeness and cut it as quickly, easily and safely as possible.

Next post: easy to make pineapple, yogurt, jam and dried fruit salad 

Thawing a Frozen Turkey in the Refrigerator

Thawing a frozen turkey in the refrigerator

Just for the fun of it – this stuff is always fun – I got a 15 1/2 pound frozen turkey yesterday evening to find out how long it really takes to thaw it completely in the refrigerator as recommended on the packaging. All I did was put the rock-solid frozen turkey on a plate at 6pm and slide it onto the bottom shelf in my refrigerator, which is set pretty much right at the refrigerator manufacturer’s recommended temperature, probably about 40° F (4° C). Read more »

Heavy Cream vs. Evaporated Milk

Heavy Cream vs. Evaporated Milk

There’s just about nothing else that adds a more comforting flavor and texture to food than heavy cream. The only downside is that heavy cream can also leave you feeling excessively full – very quickly, and there are two good reasons for that as you can see in the nutrition label comparison below.

The bottom line is that heavy cream has more than twice the calories and five times the fat content of evaporated milk. The first thing to notice in the label comparison above is that the serving size for heavy cream (1 tablespoon) is half the serving size of evaporated milk (2 tablespoons). That means ounce for ounce (2 tablespoons = 1 ounce), heavy cream has 100 calories, all which are attributed to fat as follows: 10 grams total fat, 7 grams of which are saturated fat, and a cholesterol content of 40 mg. The same one ounce of evaporated milk has 40 calories, 20 calories of which are attributed to fat like this: 2 grams total fat, 1.5 grams of which are saturated fat, and 10 mg of cholesterol.

Nutritionally, the differences are significant, though I’ve found that both evaporated milk and heavy cream have similar cooking and flavor properties, especially when used in recipes like mashed potatoes, gravy, pasta al Fredo, pumpkin pie, and more. That means substituting heavy cream with evaporated milk is a great way to add comforting texture and flavor without taking on excessive calories and fat.



How to Ripen and Prepare Kiwifruit – All in Pictures

Fresh, ripe kiwifruit (kiwi)

I love kiwifruit (also known as kiwi, named after New Zealand’s national bird) for its fresh zesty flavor, texture and potent nutritional punch. And, wow, all that good stuff means so much more during the winter months when fresh produce with real life to it is tough to find.

Kiwis are actually native to southern China, where they’re known as Chinese gooseberries, but are now grown plentifully around the world. They have a wonderfully fresh fruity flavor that’s a cross between bananas, strawberries and pineapple. They’re rich in vitamins A, C and E, and their black seeds, when crushed or chewed, are an excellent source of beneficial Omega-3 fatty acids. Ripe kiwis are slightly tender to the touch. Usually, though, the fruit comes to market under-ripe and very firm. The easiest way to ripen under-ripe kiwis is to put them in a paper (not plastic) bag, close the top the way you would close a lunch bag, and keep the bag at room temperature out of direct sunlight. You can see how to do that by clicking either picture on this page for complete easy to follow step-by-step picture book directions. Just beware ripening takes at least a few days – sometimes more than a week. Read more »

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