Archive for the ‘Blog’ Category

Whole Grain Pancakes, Part Negative 1 – In Pictures

Memory’s a great thing, especially when you forget.

I’ve been posting a series of cycling training foods for the Bicycles Battling Cancer ride coming up June 10th out of Marlborough, MA, and thought it’d be great to put together a whole grain pancake made with some leftover brown rice, steel cut oats, and bulgur wheat I’d made recently.

And that’s exactly what I did yesterday morning, combining an egg, vanilla extract, the whole grains I just mentioned, ground cinnamon, and raisins. – all to come up with this -…

…not quite a cohesive pancake. No problem. Next time, I told myself, “Just add some flour and maybe some nut butter”. Should work great.

And then I checked my notes while putting this post together and saw I’d actually made and shot a pancake exactly like that with all parts in place called “Improvised Chewy Whole Grain Pancakes” last August. Excellent!

So, why show what I did today here? Because even fails can taste great. I just put what I had in the pan in a bowl and topped that with a spoon of almond-peanut butter, some quickly cooked apple-mango-cranberry topping, dried fruit, kefir, ground flaxseed, and a shot of honey.

All good and plenty of fuel to keep me going for a 30+ mile good-paced training ride on the bike. Next time: the recipe I forgot to remember – all in pictures.

Supercharged Oatmeal – Great Training Fuel!

Microwave Cooked Oatmeal From Simple to ExcitingHere’s how to vary the flavor and supercharge oatmeal by adding protein and some fat to keep you fueled and satisfied for any kind of endurance athletic or physically demanding activity. First, though, a couple quick notes:

1. Flavor and taste – most important – are exceptionally personal. The ingredients you see below work great together – for me – but my taste is not your taste. For example, you’ll see in the picture below that I use plain nonfat Greek yogurt, which I love for its flavor, thick texture, and high protein content. You, however, might not like Greek yogurt – or any yogurt at all for that matter – and that’s ok. Skip it, replace it with something else – and do the same for any other ingredient you see below to make your simple to exciting oatmeal all yours. Read more »

Microwave Cooked Oatmeal: Great Move Your Body Food!

Want fuel move your body: prep for a good ride on the bike, run, workout, or to feel fully alive to start your day? Oatmeal’s a great favorite of mine – packed with complex flavorful carbs and fiber, and both those attributes can be well enhanced if you oppose them (i.e. supplement them) with protein or healthy fat.

More about opposing real soon. But first, click the picture above to learn how to cook oatmeal as quickly and easily as possible and that means cooking it in the microwave oven.



How Learning and Adapting Applies to Cycling and Fresh 5-Ingredient Salad Dressing


It’s all about applied learning and adapting.

First, regarding cycling. Since becoming the Ops Officer at VOmax (performance sportswear) and driving to and from Northampton everyday, I’ve had to adapt to splitting time between rippin’ it on the real road, which I love, and crankin’ it on the “living room bike” (trainer), which no matter how hard I pedal never gets me to the kitchen.

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Better Eating to Stay in Shape When You’re on the Road

I’ve laid down a couple posts recently about how to make fully flavorful, energy-sustaining instant hot cereal from cold cereal and how to take that instant hot cereal from simple to exciting when you’re at home.

But what if you’re on the road for either work or fun and have no choice but to eat out for meals?

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Excellent, Energy-Sustaining Cold Weather Pre-Ride/Run Breakfast: Instant Hot Cereal S2E

My line about winter cycling: Weather’s a state of mind; just be prepared.

As mentioned last post, instant hot cereal from simple to exciting is a terrifically flavorful, energy-sustaining pre-ride/run breakfast. The cereal, fruit, dried Read more »

Instant Hot Cereal From Cold Cereal Picture Book Recipe + Bicycles Battling Cancer

I’m an avid lifelong cyclist dedicated to improving cycling/running safety ( and enabling people to eat better ( All connected, engaging & fun!

I rode the Central Massachusetts Bicycles Battling Cancer ride last June in memory of my dear ‘ol pioneering radiation Read more »

Food for Back-Pained Body: Bikram Yoga

Lower back pain’s with me for decades – probably related to a lifelong love of road cycling that I’m never giving up. Have done PT (physical therapy). Big help. Just started Bikram yoga (hot yoga) with my daughter, Caroline, right after Christmas at Soulstice, Westborough, MA, and already seeing positive results after 10 session (I can put socks on comfortably from a standing position in the morning).  Read more »

Gorgeous November Bike Rip Followed by Breakfast for Lunch

Out for a gorgeous late morning, late fall rip on the bike that featured a good look at one of my favorite cycling sights: Silverwood Organic Farm on Western Rd. in Sherbourne, MA. Sky was cloudy, wind snappy, temp. about 45 – perfect for November – and it all felt great under the Breitz! “Breeze Blaster” windbreaker over layered shirts.

Then home by noon to the full-on flavorful sweet and savory lunch shown below – fresh fruit, Greek yogurt, fresh almond butter, dried fruit, kefir and honey Read more »

Full-on Flavorful Variation on an Apple Pancake Theme

You have to fuel up before you can ride on. And, man, I dig that most excellent part of the cycling life!

Last week I brought the apple blueberry pancake above to my good buds at VOmax, who I’ve partnered with to put out the Breitz! bright, bold & cool to wear line of cycling and running wear like what you see below. Adding blueberries or any fruit, dried fruit – anything you like – to an apple pancake is an easy way to improvise on the root recipe you can get, all in pictures, by clicking any picture on this page. Read more »

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