Archive for the ‘Anti-inflammatory Recipes’ Category

Anti-Inflammatory Fresh Ginger Cilantro Kefir Salad Dressing Picture Book Recipe

Fresh Ginger Cilantro Kefir Salad Dressing

If you’re an athlete or physically active at all, you know how inflammation exhibited in joint or muscle pain inhibits how you move your body. Inflammation is also a key contributor to diseases, such as cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and much more.
The very easy to make, fully-flavorful fresh low fat salad dressing you see here goes great on any salad as shown below – or anything savory – and contains kefir (a good bacteria, yogurt-like fermented milk drink), fresh garlic, fresh ginger, fresh cilantro, ground turmeric, mustard, apple cider vinegar, ground black pepper, and honey – all of which are rich with anti-inflammatory benefits.

Fresh Ginger Cilantro Kefir Salad Dressing on Vegetable Tortilla Read more »

Almond Butter with Dried Cranberries, Flaxseed and Toasted Coconut Picture Recipe

Flavor rules – always!

Cool thing about making almond – or any nut – butter on your own is that you can add anything you want to it to make it all yours.

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Homemade Almond Butter: Training Food Extraordinaire – All in Pictures

I’ve always been a big fan of almond butter: great flavor and texture, terrific energy sustainer. Years ago, when my favorite vendor of that almond butter – and  many other favorite food products, Trader Joe’s, experienced a recall and then was only able to dole out cases of new almond butter the way Apple doles out new versions of its iPhone, a Trader Joe’s salesman I’d gotten to know asked me quite bluntly, “Do you have a food processor?”

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Chewy Whole Grain Pancakes – All in Pictures

Last post showed how to make the best of a cooking fail as I tried to develop a whole grain pancake recipe that I’d forgotten I’d already developed last year. Memory’s great – when it works.

Here’s how that chewy whole grain pancake turned out last year.

Then, I topped a piece of that pancake with nut butter and a pre-cooked fruit topping along with…

…fresh and dried fruit, and then…

…kefir, ground flaxseed, and a good shot of honey.

Click any picture on this page for a complete step-by-step picture book recipe – and then lay whatever you want on that finished pancake to make it all yours.

Microwave Cooked Oatmeal: Great Move Your Body Food!

Want fuel move your body: prep for a good ride on the bike, run, workout, or to feel fully alive to start your day? Oatmeal’s a great favorite of mine – packed with complex flavorful carbs and fiber, and both those attributes can be well enhanced if you oppose them (i.e. supplement them) with protein or healthy fat.

More about opposing real soon. But first, click the picture above to learn how to cook oatmeal as quickly and easily as possible and that means cooking it in the microwave oven.



How Learning and Adapting Applies to Cycling and Fresh 5-Ingredient Salad Dressing


It’s all about applied learning and adapting.

First, regarding cycling. Since becoming the Ops Officer at VOmax (performance sportswear) and driving to and from Northampton everyday, I’ve had to adapt to splitting time between rippin’ it on the real road, which I love, and crankin’ it on the “living room bike” (trainer), which no matter how hard I pedal never gets me to the kitchen.

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Instant Hot Cereal From Cold Cereal Picture Book Recipe + Bicycles Battling Cancer

I’m an avid lifelong cyclist dedicated to improving cycling/running safety ( and enabling people to eat better ( All connected, engaging & fun!

I rode the Central Massachusetts Bicycles Battling Cancer ride last June in memory of my dear ‘ol pioneering radiation Read more »

Gorgeous November Bike Rip Followed by Breakfast for Lunch

Out for a gorgeous late morning, late fall rip on the bike that featured a good look at one of my favorite cycling sights: Silverwood Organic Farm on Western Rd. in Sherbourne, MA. Sky was cloudy, wind snappy, temp. about 45 – perfect for November – and it all felt great under the Breitz! “Breeze Blaster” windbreaker over layered shirts.

Then home by noon to the full-on flavorful sweet and savory lunch shown below – fresh fruit, Greek yogurt, fresh almond butter, dried fruit, kefir and honey Read more »

EuroBike 2017 & Whole Grain Cereal with Fresh Fruit & Kefir Picture Recipe

Like I mentioned in the last post, I learned a lot about European cycling culture at Eurobike 2017 in Friedrichshafen, Germany last week and also had some terrifically flavorful foods. Regarding cycling culture, the Europeans are way ahead of where we are and continue to improve. Always actively improving: I love it!

Here’s a German example of how downtown driving, cycling, and pedestrian access is put into practice. The car travel lane (not visible in the picture below) is far left. Cars park up to the sidewalk. The left side of the sidewalk is Read more »

Improvised Post Ride Lunch: Oats with Vegetables, Cheese and More

Came home darn hungry from a good hop on the bike and improvised a very quick “what’s good to go in the fridge” lunch that included the last of a bag of oats mixed with some leftover vegetable broth, tomato sauce, cooked vegetables, and grated cheese.

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