Posts Tagged ‘superpower’

Only You Have the Power to Empower You!

Bringing self-empowerment to life is entirely your own superpower

No one, no matter what they say – even with best intentions, can empower you. Only you can empower you. The reason: empowerment doesn’t come from without or outside you. Empowerment comes from within. Yes, you can get help to learn the skills you need. But that help itself won’t empower you. You then have to internalize what you learn and make those learned skills a living part of you – and that is nothing like what you see in the magically blissful and freeing but cliched, unrealistic images below.

Empowerment comes from within and is not a magical blissful feel good moment

No. Real empowerment starts with awareness that will probably be uncomfortable to acknowledge. That’s exactly how it has been for me on many fronts, including cooking – and that’s normal. That awareness means knowing, really knowing and feeling inside you completely, that you want to empower yourself in a specific manner, like develop the self-confidence to stand up for yourself, overcome a particular fear, manage emotions better, forgive others, forgive yourself, or, right here, adopt life-promoting eating habits and feel confidently comfortable in the kitchen making meals that support those quality-of-life enriching habits.

Awareness is step one, and it’s an empowering first step in itself because it requires you to admit, with strength, your want and need to change.

The next step is finding trusted, verified guidance that really can help you learn and adopt the skills you need. That guidance can come in the form of a friend, a mentor, a course, a book – or a resource like this site when it comes to empowering yourself in the kitchen. Just bear in mind, and this is most important, that taking on trusted guidance can only provide you with the skills you need to empower yourself. The rest: learning, adopting and internalizing those skills so that you can apply them in real life circumstances, is up to you exactly as well-recognized spiritual and secular leaders and teachers have said completely correctly forever, “I can show you the path, but you have to do the work”.

Don’t let that four-letter “work” word stop you. The work is entirely achievable and noble, and you have the no-kidding power to do it, especially if, just as it is necessary when building any foundation, you take it one doable step at a time.

When it comes to empowering yourself to make and enjoy quality-of-life enriching foods, I look forward to helping you develop the skills you need, all step-by-step and in pictures – and, most of all, having fun doing it!

Any questions or suggestions, just pop me a note at

Best always,

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