You know those days when things just don’t go right, and the harder you try, the louder the voice in your head screams, “C’mon, man. Wake up and smell the coffee!” Yesterday was one of those days for me – OW! – but instead of raging about it, I took that voice’s advice and laid down a new much more colorful version of Freshly Brewed Coffee Made Easy.
Already I feel better. And I’ve chugged enough freshly made brew along with a coconut bowl pancake to fuel me for an excellent rip on the bike as soon as I get this off.

Like I mentioned in the picture book recipe you can get by clicking any picture on this page, the key to a good cup of coffee is nailing the right ratio of cold water to ground coffee. Sounds easy enough. The only problem is that coffee makers are not calibrated to a standard “cup” size, and those cups are not the standard “1 cup = 8 ounces”. The way to deal with that is to use a measuring cup to to measure 12 ounces of water. Then pour that water either into the coffee maker reservoir or carafe with “cup” markings on it to see exactly how many cups your coffee machine makes with those 12 ounces of water. As shown in the pictures here, my coffee machine makes 3 cups of water with 12 ounces of water.
Here’s what you need to make coffee using a coffee maker.
Again, just click any picture on this page for a complete, newly revised, and very easy to use step-by-step picture book recipe.