Posts Tagged ‘step-by-step microwave cooked scrambled eggs recipe’

Microwave Cooked Scrambled Eggs Picture Book Recipe

Last post showed how to make stove cooked scrambled eggs all very easily and with 2 quick tips.

  1. Add just a little salt before cooking the eggs to help break down proteins in the eggs so that they turn out soft & fluffy, not fork-bouncing hard and rubbery. You should do the same thing here when cooking scrambled eggs in the microwave oven.
  2. Make sure the pan is warmed to the right cooking temperature before starting to cook the eggs. No need to do that when cooking with a microwave oven.

I will say that the first time I heard of microwave cooked scrambled eggs, I laughed, “No way!”

But then just for humor’s sake, I tried ’em – nose close to the microwave as shown here – and couldn’t believe my eyes.

Nose to Microwave OvenEven better, I couldn’t believe how flavorfully they turned out, how easy it was to put them together, and how little there was to cleanup as I could mix, cook, and eat the eggs from the same bowl. Great!

Here’s all you need for ingredients.

Microwave Cooked Scrambled Eggs ingredientsClick any picture on this page for a complete, freshly revised step-by-step picture recipe.

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