Posts Tagged ‘fresh fruit breakfast topping’

Easy to Make, Versatile Warm Apple Fruit Topping Picture Recipe

warm apple fruit topping in a serving bowl with links to picture book recipe directions

If you put your ear really close to the device you’re using to read this, you might hear the sound of screeching brakes. And rightly so.

Last post showed how to make a warm apple cranberry fruit topping. Nothing wrong with that recipe. The problem was me jumping ahead of the game – and including an ingredient, that outside of my freezer, is out of season. I should’ve started with the base recipe – with readily accessible ingredients – instead of asking you to improvise right off the bat.

Here is that base warm apple fruit topping recipe that requires these commonly found ingredients: apples, butter, fruit juice, vanilla extract, salt, jam, ground cinnamon.

Warm apple fruit topping ingredients links to picture book recipe directions showing how to make a warm apple fruit topping

Here is all you need for equipment: cutting board, frying pan, sharp knife, tablespoon and large spoon.

Equipment needed to make warm apple fruit topping with link to the picture book recipe

As mentioned in the first tip in the recipe, this topping can be used as a side dish or on hot or cold cereal, waffles, pancakes, French toast, yogurt, or ice cream. Imagination is your only limit!

Here’s how I used it the other day when I made and shot this recipe: as a side dish with pan cooked pork loin. I’d never done that before but what a fantastically flavorful sweet and savory combo…

Warm apple topping with pan cooked pork loin and link to the warm apple topping picture book recipe

…especially with a good shot of feta cheese. Killer!

Warm feta cheese topped apple topping with pan cooked pork loin and link to the warm apple topping picture book recipe

Click this link or any picture on this page for a complete picture book recipe.

Sample pages of warm apple fruit topping picture book recipe

Next up: how to add just a couple different ingredients to improvise on this recipe very easily – and fully flavorfully!

Warm Apple Cranberry Fruit Topping Picture Book Recipe

This easy to make fruit topping tastes great and can be made with different fruit combinations to your taste.

Last group of posts showed how to make quick & easy salad dressings and then how to use them with just as easy to make, fully flavorful microwave warmed spinach & apple or spinach & pear salads.

Considering we still have a good dose of winter ahead of us, let’s stick with the warm fruit theme. And when it comes to the cold, there’s nothing much more comforting than the smell and rich flavor of freshly warmed apples and cinnamon.

And as the the first “Tip” in the recipe says, this fresh, fully flavorful warm apple cranberry fruit topping goes great right out of the pan or chilled on hot or cold cereal, waffles, pancakes, French toast, yogurt, or ice cream. Imagination is your only limit!

Regarding imagination, you’ll see an easy opportunity to improvise. When I shot the warm apple cranberry fruit topping you see here, cranberries were in season. I don’t think you’ll find cranberries in the store now. That means either blow right past the part of the recipe dealing with fresh cranberries and skip them entirely or substitute fresh cranberries with any available berry-type fruit like blueberries, raspberries or blackberries. Just note that if you use any of those berries, toss them in the pan after you’ve started to cook the apples as those berries are much more tender and require less cooking time than fresh cranberries.

Having said that, here’s what I used to make need to make the original recipe:

Here’s the equipment needed:

Equipment needed to make Warm Apple Cranberry Fruit Topping

Click this link or any picture on this page for a complete warm apple cranberry fruit topping picture book recipe.

Next post: an easy variation on this fruit topping. All easy, all flavorful!

Pineapple Coconut Topping on Pancake Picture Book Recipe

What you see here sure works great as is but is really intended to inspire your fully flavorful imagination.

When I put together the last few posts that showed how to make quickly cooked fresh fruit toppings, I’ve said that they go great on pancakes, waffles, French toast, over warm or cold cereal – and much more. This post is about providing a concrete example that works with warm pineapple coconut topping on a leftover pancake.

Now, though the recipe you can get here works great as is – I’m sure a big fan – the real purpose here is to inspire your imagination to use this or any fruit topping in a way that satisfies your own personal taste.

For more details, click this link or either picture on this page for a complete pineapple coconut topping on pancake picture book recipe. Then use what you see in that recipe to fire your imagination!

Picture Book Warm Pineapple Coconut Topping Recipe

This warm pineapple coconut topping is just an example of how you can easily improvise on the warm fruit topping theme.

Last two posts showed how to make warm fruit toppings that go great over hot or cold cereal, with yogurt, on pancakes, waffles or French toast. Your imagination is your only limit.

This post is about a variation on the fruit topping theme I’d never tried before but put together on-the-fly for breakfast with my good Hickory, NC, buds a little before Thanksgiving. The key to this warm pineapple coconut topping recipe is using a fully ripened pineapple, and the picture book recipe you can get here shows exactly how to check a pineapple for ripeness and ripen a pineapple that will most likely be under-ripe when you buy it at the store.

Here’s what you need to to make a warm pineapple coconut topping.

Click this link or any picture on this page for this warm pineapple coconut topping picture book recipe.

Next post will show an example of how I use this topping and toppings like it to power me through a morning that almost always includes a good rip on the bike.

3 Easy Picture Book Variations on Warm Apple Cranberry Fruit Topping

3 easy-to-make variations on the warm apple cranberry fruit topping recipe theme

Last post showed how to make a warm apple cranberry fruit topping that goes great on warm or cold cereal, pancakes, French toast, waffles and much more. I mentioned in that post that the recipe is a base or building block recipe that can be easily varied by using different ingredients to meet your personal taste. This post shows three specific examples that work great as is and can also be used to fire your imagination.

The first two recipes are direct riffs on warm apple cranberry fruit topping. The third is berry based.

  1. Apple, Kiwi, Cranberry Topping: This recipe just adds kiwi to the topping, which you can substitute with any other fruit: pear, grapes, berries and more. Click this link or the picture to get the recipe.
Here are 3 easy-to-make variations on the warm apple cranberry fruit topping recipe theme

2. Apple and Papaya Topping: Quickly cooking papaya is my favorite, most flavorful way of eating this tropical fruit. The recipe for this topping that you can get by clicking this link again is just an example of exchanging one ingredient for another either for the fun of it (I mean that) or to suit your personal taste.

3. Warm Berry and Kiwi Fruit Topping: This is an example of a more dramatic variation on the apple, cranberry topping theme. Again, you can substitute the berries or any fruit in this recipe to suit your specific taste. Click this link or the picture below for a picture book recipe.

Next post: Pineapple Coconut Topping. Made it recently. Friends asked for the recipe. I’ll get that out later this week.

Warm Fruit Topping to Fuel a Winter Training Ride

Pre-cold weather ride “goose fat” (homemade oil combo) on face & warm fruit topping for breakfast

Yes, it’s February, but any day cycling the road sure beats a day on the living room trainer, especially when there are sights like those below before the snow blew in last night.

Bottom line: Weather’s a state of mind. Just be prepared.

For me that means, step one, “goose fat” (homemade mix of avocado oil, coconut butter, shea butter, and a shot of honey) on the face and something warm to fuel me up for a good hop in the saddle.

Click this link or the picture above or below for a complete, easy to follow step-by-step picture book recipe that shows how to make a fruit topping that goes great on warm cereal, French toast, pancakes – your imagination is your only limit! As always, a quick nod and smile to Bicycles Battling Cancer and Springfield Police, Fire, and new this year, military vets, Ride to Remember.


Warm Apple, Kiwi and Cranberry Fruit Topping Picture Book Recipe

Apple Kiwi and Cranberry Fruit ToppingLast post showed how to ripen and prepare fresh kiwifruits (kiwis). Here’s a fully flavorful way to have those kiwis warmed in a pan with fresh apples and cranberries either as is or over hot cereal, or any way you like.

Apple Kiwi and Cranberry Fruit Topping on Hot Cereal Read more »

Warm Apple & Papaya Fruit Topping – All in Pictures

Warm Apple & Papaya Fruit ToppingThis fresh and very quickly cooked apple and papaya fruit topping goes great either warm right out of the pan or chilled on hot or cold cereal, waffles, pancakes, French toast, yogurt, or ice cream.

But what if apples or papaya aren’t available – or you don’t like either of them? No problem. Instead of apple, you can use pear or any other fruit, though the picture book instructions you can get here for this recipe showing how to prepare apples for cooking apply identically to pears. You can also substitute papaya with pineapple, mango, or even banana, or really any other fresh fruit that’s available that you like. As always, imagination and taste are your only limits.

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