Posts Tagged ‘fitness food’

EuroBike 2017 & Whole Grain Cereal with Fresh Fruit & Kefir Picture Recipe

Like I mentioned in the last post, I learned a lot about European cycling culture at Eurobike 2017 in Friedrichshafen, Germany last week and also had some terrifically flavorful foods. Regarding cycling culture, the Europeans are way ahead of where we are and continue to improve. Always actively improving: I love it!

Here’s a German example of how downtown driving, cycling, and pedestrian access is put into practice. The car travel lane (not visible in the picture below) is far left. Cars park up to the sidewalk. The left side of the sidewalk is Read more »

Microwave Cooked Oatmeal – Flavor, Nutrition & All in Pictures

Microwave Cooked OatmealLast post showed how to make flavorful, energy-sustaining microwave cooked power cereal to give you a warm, full-powered start to these exceptionally cold days we’ve been experiencing. Considering those temperatures aren’t expected to change much in the foreseeable future, here’s something else to look forward to as you climb out of bed in the morning and hit that cold floor running that’s flavorful, richly nutritious, and easy to make – microwave cooked oatmeal.

Here’s what you’ll need to put together a simple version of microwave cooked oatmeal. Next post, I’ll show how to take what you see here from simple to exciting!

Needed to make Microwave Cooked Oatmeal Read more »

Microwave Cooked Power Cereal – Warm, Flavorful, and All in Pictures

Microwave Power Cereal & Icicles

You bet it’s cold outside, but there is a bright side. It’s mid-February, the days are getting longer, and everyday forward brings us closer to spring.

Still, all we ever have to deal with is the here and now. So, to make that here and now more comfortable, flavorful, easy to deal with…and nutritionally sound, here’s Microwave Power Cereal. Microwave Power Cereal has a lot going for it. First, it tastes great and requires only commonly found ingredients. Secondly, it gives you just what you need for a sustained energy burn by combining complex carbohydrates with protein. And finally, you use the same bowl to mix, cook, and eat the cereal from, which greatly minimizes cleanup. All good stuff! Read more »

Tough Pyrenees Climbs: Easy One-Bowl Power Cereal Breakfast – All in Pictures

Michael Rogers and Power Cereal

Congratulations to Michael Rogers, who took an early lead from the pack yesterday and won stage 16 from Carcassone to Bagneres de Luchon with rivals nipping at his heels.

I know I’ve laid down quite a few breakfast recipes lately, but that’s the meal I have when I click on the Tour in the morning. Breakfast is also the foundation meal for the men before they take off to crush miles on the road.

Here’s a breakfast I’ve had many times before a ride that’s easy to make, easy to clean up afterward, and best of all, is fantastically flavorful: Microwave Power Cereal that you can get by clicking any picture on this page.

Power Cereal Picture Book Recipe page

Cycling: Chocolate Pumped “Star Wars” Ride Fuel

Wnter Storm Electra and road just before the snowI don’t know how you feel when there’s a big snow storm expected, but for me, my mind flips a switch, my heart rate goes up in eager anticipation, and one of my favorite things to do is to get out on the bike and try to time it just right headed for home just as the snowflakes start flying.  I call it a “Star Wars” ride because the flakes I see through my cycling glasses  look like stars shooting past by Luke Skywalker’s x-wing fighter cockpit window. No-kidding, as soon as that happens, I can hear John Williams and his whole orchestra in my mind belt out the main title Stars Wars symphony. Talk about a big smile! Read more »

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