Posts Tagged ‘breaking bad habits’

Atomic Habits: Mind & Behavior Food

No doubt: good habits are hard to make, bad habits are hard to break.

But, what if you had help that really worked?

A good friend, Jay, recently recommended Atomic Habits, “An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits and Break Bad Ones”, by James Clear, which I just finished reading – and highly recommend to you for its clarity, directness and practical application.

I’ll paraphrase the most book’s most potent line: “Habits are caused by the predictions that precede them.” For a Bruce-specific example, if I always put my wallet and keys on the same table near my door, I will always predict where they will be when I need them.

The four keys to developing good habits: 1. Make them obvious, 2. Make them easy, 3. Make them attractive, 4. Make them satisfying.

How and why to do that? You’ve gotta’ read the book! I did, and it has made a significant difference in my daily life – but more about that later – as long as I stick to my freshly renewed habit of writing daily and posting twice weekly.

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