Posts Tagged ‘banana ice cream ideas’

Big Flavor 3-Ingredient Banana Ice Cream Picture Book Recipe

Last post focused on the health benefits of bananas, which, as one of the world’s most consumed foods, are often given a bad rap, as shown in the popup ad below, for no good reason at all.

Banana graphic with "5 foods never to eat" popup ad.

As a lifelong avid cyclist, I always have bananas on hand, either at room temperature or frozen, as shown in the shot below of the top of my fridge and inside my freezer today. Those two more darkly patched bananas are actually plantains, part of the banana family, that I use to make sweet & savory dishes.

Of course, there are many ways to enjoy bananas, and here’s one of my favorites: banana ice cream. To start as easily as possible, I’m showing just the base recipe here that requires only 3 ingredients: ripe bananas, vanilla extract and ground cinnamon – no cream or sugar at all. And though those ingredients, when blended together, taste killer good, I’ll show you in future posts how to take that base recipe from “simple to exciting” with added easy-to-find, fully flavorful ingredients.

The only kicker: you’ll need a sturdy food processor, like the one shown below, to make this recipe. If you don’t have one, either click this link for mash and freeze banana ice cream, which doesn’t require a food processor, or borrow a food processor from a friend or relative and make enough banana ice cream to share with them.

Click this link or any picture on this page for easy-to-follow 3 ingredient banana ice cream picture book directions.

Fresh Banana-Mango Ice Cream Picture Book Recipe

Last post showed how to make very quick & easy – and fully flavorful – simple banana ice cream made with only bananas, vanilla extract and ground cinnamon. This recipe takes that banana ice cream from simple to exciting by adding fresh mango, coconut flakes, raisins – and even rum-soaked raisins (they go GREAT with this!). Of course, like any recipe you see here, the added ingredients I just mentioned, though they work terrifically well together, are just suggestions. You can substitute mango with pineapple, blueberries, or strawberries. You can use any kind of dried fruit and add chocolate chips or chocolate powder – and much more. So, use your imagination to make your full-on banana ice cream the way you want to suit your taste and dietary needs.

Here are the ingredients I use (yep, rum raisins in the jar).

Click any picture on this page for a complete, easy-to-follow step-by-step picture book recipe.


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