Quick & Easy Microwave Warmed Spinach & Apple Salad Picture Recipe

Finished Quick & Easy Microwave Warmed Spinach & Apple Salad

Yep, it’s still winter, and for some of you, it’s still darn cold. A couple weeks ago, after showing how to make very quick and easy, extraordinarily versatile 5-ingredient salad dressings, I said I’d put together some warm spinach salads. This is the first of those recipes: quick and easy microwave warmed spinach and apple salad.

Here are the ingredients I used: fresh spinach, apple, feta cheese, salad dressing, walnuts and dried cranberries. Of course, you can substitute feta cheese, walnuts and dried cranberries however you like to suit your taste and dietary needs,.

Here’s all you need for equipment: microwave oven, microwave safe bowl, colander or strainer, sharp paring knife and cutting board.

One of the keys to this recipe is warming the spinach and apple in the microwave oven only until the spinach leaves just start to wilt as shown below, which took only 1 minute in my 1200 Watt microwave oven. As I say in the recipe itself, cooking time will vary depending on your own microwave oven’s Watt power.

spinach and apple are warmed enough when the spinach leaves just start to wilt

Click any picture on this page for a complete, easy to follow picture book recipe.

images of 3 pages of quick and easy microwave warmed spinach and apple salad picture book recipe

Next up: how to take this quick, easy and fully flavorful warm spinach and apple salad from simple to exciting. All fun!

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