Better Eating to Stay in Shape When You’re on the Road

I’ve laid down a couple posts recently about how to make fully flavorful, energy-sustaining instant hot cereal from cold cereal and how to take that instant hot cereal from simple to exciting when you’re at home.

But what if you’re on the road for either work or fun and have no choice but to eat out for meals?

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Excellent, Energy-Sustaining Cold Weather Pre-Ride/Run Breakfast: Instant Hot Cereal S2E

My line about winter cycling: Weather’s a state of mind; just be prepared.

As mentioned last post, instant hot cereal from simple to exciting is a terrifically flavorful, energy-sustaining pre-ride/run breakfast. The cereal, fruit, dried Read more »

Instant Hot Cereal From Cold Cereal Picture Book Recipe + Bicycles Battling Cancer

I’m an avid lifelong cyclist dedicated to improving cycling/running safety ( and enabling people to eat better ( All connected, engaging & fun!

I rode the Central Massachusetts Bicycles Battling Cancer ride last June in memory of my dear ‘ol pioneering radiation Read more »

Food for Back-Pained Body: Bikram Yoga

Lower back pain’s with me for decades – probably related to a lifelong love of road cycling that I’m never giving up. Have done PT (physical therapy). Big help. Just started Bikram yoga (hot yoga) with my daughter, Caroline, right after Christmas at Soulstice, Westborough, MA, and already seeing positive results after 10 session (I can put socks on comfortably from a standing position in the morning).  Read more »

Gorgeous November Bike Rip Followed by Breakfast for Lunch

Out for a gorgeous late morning, late fall rip on the bike that featured a good look at one of my favorite cycling sights: Silverwood Organic Farm on Western Rd. in Sherbourne, MA. Sky was cloudy, wind snappy, temp. about 45 – perfect for November – and it all felt great under the Breitz! “Breeze Blaster” windbreaker over layered shirts.

Then home by noon to the full-on flavorful sweet and savory lunch shown below – fresh fruit, Greek yogurt, fresh almond butter, dried fruit, kefir and honey Read more »

Full-on Flavorful Variation on an Apple Pancake Theme

You have to fuel up before you can ride on. And, man, I dig that most excellent part of the cycling life!

Last week I brought the apple blueberry pancake above to my good buds at VOmax, who I’ve partnered with to put out the Breitz! bright, bold & cool to wear line of cycling and running wear like what you see below. Adding blueberries or any fruit, dried fruit – anything you like – to an apple pancake is an easy way to improvise on the root recipe you can get, all in pictures, by clicking any picture on this page. Read more »

EuroBike 2017 & Whole Grain Cereal with Fresh Fruit & Kefir Picture Recipe

Like I mentioned in the last post, I learned a lot about European cycling culture at Eurobike 2017 in Friedrichshafen, Germany last week and also had some terrifically flavorful foods. Regarding cycling culture, the Europeans are way ahead of where we are and continue to improve. Always actively improving: I love it!

Here’s a German example of how downtown driving, cycling, and pedestrian access is put into practice. The car travel lane (not visible in the picture below) is far left. Cars park up to the sidewalk. The left side of the sidewalk is Read more »

Love BIG Coffee! – with Picture Book Directions

Just back from terrifically interesting, very fun HUGE Eurobike 2017  bike show in Friedrichshafen, Germany (show link has already been updated for 2018). More about this year’s show – with food – soon.

But first: don’t know about you, but I dig big coffee BIG time, but this is the biggest coffee I could get in Germany. Read more »

Heirloom Tomato, Basil and Feta Cheese Picture Book Recipe

As I mentioned in my last post posted a few weeks ago (Ow!), one of my favorite summer foods is fresh tomatoes right off the field, and one of my favorite ways to have those fresh tomatoes is sliced and topped with fresh basil, mozzarella chcese, a shot of olive oil, a good shot of balsamic vinegar, and a good crunch of freshly ground black pepper (or chopped fresh jalapeños – yah!). Terrific!

Here’s a slight twist on that combination made with what you see below: heirloom tomatoes, fresh basil, feta cheese and Read more »

Easy, Fully Flavorful Tomato, Fresh Basil and Mozzarella Cheese Salad Picture Recipe

One of my favorite summer foods is freshly picked, richly flavorful, no-kidding vine ripened tomatoes, which I always look forward to getting get straight off the field at Berberian’s Farm in Northborough, MA.

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