Archive for the ‘Special Recipes’ Category

New Short Guacamole and White Bean Recipe Video & Updated Picture Book Recipe

Guacamole with White BeansJust posted a new short video that shows how to make guacamole with white beans, which both tastes great and provides a beneficial blast of dietary fiber.

Guacamole w. White Beans video still 200kb

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Power Finish to Tour & Fully Flavorful Microwave Omelet S2E – In Pictures

Stage 19 & MW Omelet S2E

Wet & nasty stage 19 of the Tour de France yesterday. Powerful 30-plus time trial today. On to the Paris tomorrow. Wow, it’s been a rip of a tour!

Here’s something that no matter the weather or need for power will give you a bright breakfast smile: Microwave Cooked Omelet – From Simple to Exciting. Aside from the flavor, the really cool thing about making this omelet is that you can mix, cook, and eat the omelet from the same plate. I dig that – a lot!

MW Cooked Omelet S2E Read more »

High Protein Power Tuna Salad – All in Pictures & Video

Stage 17 & Power Tuna SaladHad to launch early yesterday morning and reluctantly missed the four grueling stage 17 Tour de France climbs in the Pyrenees. Gotta’ a good feeling some of the riders wish they could say the same – and still live to ride another day to tell about it.

In the end, it’s all about what you use to burn in your tank when you’re pushed to the limit. Here’s a great recipe to power you when you need it – with full-on flavor: Power Tuna Salad.

Power Tuna Salad

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Pre or Post Ride Nut Butter and Trail Mix on Toast – All in Pictures

Pyrenees & Nut Butter and Trail Mix on ToastRest day over. The men of the Tour crank it into the Pyrenees for 237 kilometer (147 miles) of serious climbing. Here’s what the profile looks like. Ouch!

Stage 15 profile Read more »

Powering Up with Microwave Cooked Power French Toast – All in Pictures

Stage 13 & MW Cooked Power French ToastWhoa, the men of the Tour de France had a tough day yesterday from St. Etienne to Chamrousse with a numbing 3000 foot climb for the last 8 or so miles. Ouch! And, still, Vincenzo Nibali leads the way.

And, today – almost all uphill climbing from Grenoble to Risoul. Ow!

The men will need power. Here’s a great power meal – with a good shot of French: Microwave Cooked Power French Toast.

Microwave Cooked Power French Toast Read more »

Cherry Pancake with Nut Butter and Fruit – All in Pictures

Cherry Pancake with Topping & TDF Stage 11

Tony Gallopin crunched a mountain climbing first French win of the Tour de France on stage 11 from Besancon to Oyonnax while American Andrew Telansky courageously braved finishing the stage despite injuries from earlier crashes that put him far behind the field.

On the food side of life, sure, you can have fresh cherry pancake just the way it is. It has fruit, protein and complex carbohydrates all fantastically flavorfully packaged together. What you see here is just an example of an easy way to take that cherry pancake from simple to exciting by adding a shot of nut butter, laying down some fresh fruit, and topping it all off with a spoon of yogurt and, of course, fresh whipped cream.

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Tour de France Stage 6 & Wine and Gin Citrus Chill

Tour Stage 6 rides past Verdin Memorial

The tour ripped on from Epernay to Nancy in Northern France yesterday during the second longest stage of the Tour this year. Here’s a drink that –  ok, it’s a stretch – commemorates the unified England and France flavor of the Tour: wine and gin citrus chill.

Wine & Gin Citrus Chill Read more »

Cobble Destroyed Tour de France Day & Crepes Made Easy – All in Pictures


Stage 5 win & crepes made easy

What an incredibly tough and destructive day on the cobblestones in the dreaded stage 5 of the Tour de France yesterday between Ypres and Arenberg Porte du Hainaut, still in Northern France. Congratulations to Dutchman Lars Boom (great name!) for destroying a field of tough, tough men and winning today’s stage!

Just one word about the whole event today – and I’m 3000 miles away: “OUCH!” Another few words: cobblestones are part of classic road pavement history – and should be permanent history as far as pro cycle racing is concerned. Too many of the world’s best athletes got smoked today, including last year’s Tour winner Chris Froome, on history’s pavement relics.

Chris Froome out Read more »

Baguette Full-On – All French and All Fun!

Stage 4 finish & baguette full-on

Another stunning win by Marcel Kittel – hey, the guy’s won three of the first four stages of  the Tour – with incredible strength and speed. And this was the first stage (section) of this year’s Tour in France from Le Touquet-Paris-Plage to Lille Metropole. Terrific!

All right! The Tour’s now in France. So how ’bout something, well, simply French?

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Tour de France Yorkshire Pudding Ideas – In Pictures

Yorkshire Pudding Ideas MontageRight now, here in this post, we’re pausing – just briefly – with a refreshingly crisp Tom Collins toast to a terrific 3-day Tour de France start in England with a crunching win – again – by Marcel Kittel in London yesterday. And now, on to Le Touquet-Paris-Plage to Lille Metropole in France and Belgium

Marcel's Win & My Tom Collins

On the food side of life, it’s been a real thrill finding ways to use both the traditional savory version of Yorkshire pudding and an improvised breakfast version – that I’ve enjoyed everyday since this past Friday. Read more »

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