Archive for the ‘Fruit Toppings’ Category

Warm Apple Fruit Topping From Simple to Exciting Picture Book Directions

Warm simple to exciting apple fruit topping with link to picture book recipe directions

As mentioned in the first “Tip” you might be able to see in the banner shot above, “simple to exciting” is all about improvising on a base or foundational recipe to make it your own by adding or changing ingredients so that what you end up with suits your taste and/or your dietary needs?

If you’ve already checked out the base – and fully flavorful – warm apple fruit topping I posted last time, you’ll see that all I did to add flavor in the “simple to exciting” recipe was add blueberries and raisins.

Adding blueberries and raisins to apple fruit topping warming on the stove with link to picture book recipe

As always, those two additions are only suggestions. You can replace them – or add to them – however you like to make the recipe your own. The purpose of putting together and posting this “simple to exciting” recipe is to show directly how improvising works. And, really, aside from suggesting other ingredients to spark your imagination, the most important guidance in the base recipe and the “simple to exciting” recipe is the order in which to add ingredients to the pan, which, for the most part, is also no absolute golden rule. Yes, though it is better regarding texture to add firmer fruits, like apples, to the pan first before adding softer fruits, like berries, because softer fruits take less time to cook than firmer fruits, you certainly won’t ruin the recipe if you accidentally add one firmness of fruit before the other.

That said, please click this link or any picture on this page for the full warm apple fruit topping from simple to exciting picture book recipe – and have fun! Regarding fun,…

Pages of warm simple to exciting apple fruit topping with link to full picture book recipe directions

…here’s how I had it last night for dessert: microwave warmed with a crumbled piece of chocolate chip cookie, Greek yogurt and jam. Killer!

Apple fruit topping with blueberries and raisins with crumbled chocolate chip cookie piece, Greek yogurt and jam with link to full picture book warm apple topping from simple to exciting link.

Next post: Only you can empower yourself – from an entirely positive perspective!

Easy to Make, Versatile Warm Apple Fruit Topping Picture Recipe

warm apple fruit topping in a serving bowl with links to picture book recipe directions

If you put your ear really close to the device you’re using to read this, you might hear the sound of screeching brakes. And rightly so.

Last post showed how to make a warm apple cranberry fruit topping. Nothing wrong with that recipe. The problem was me jumping ahead of the game – and including an ingredient, that outside of my freezer, is out of season. I should’ve started with the base recipe – with readily accessible ingredients – instead of asking you to improvise right off the bat.

Here is that base warm apple fruit topping recipe that requires these commonly found ingredients: apples, butter, fruit juice, vanilla extract, salt, jam, ground cinnamon.

Warm apple fruit topping ingredients links to picture book recipe directions showing how to make a warm apple fruit topping

Here is all you need for equipment: cutting board, frying pan, sharp knife, tablespoon and large spoon.

Equipment needed to make warm apple fruit topping with link to the picture book recipe

As mentioned in the first tip in the recipe, this topping can be used as a side dish or on hot or cold cereal, waffles, pancakes, French toast, yogurt, or ice cream. Imagination is your only limit!

Here’s how I used it the other day when I made and shot this recipe: as a side dish with pan cooked pork loin. I’d never done that before but what a fantastically flavorful sweet and savory combo…

Warm apple topping with pan cooked pork loin and link to the warm apple topping picture book recipe

…especially with a good shot of feta cheese. Killer!

Warm feta cheese topped apple topping with pan cooked pork loin and link to the warm apple topping picture book recipe

Click this link or any picture on this page for a complete picture book recipe.

Sample pages of warm apple fruit topping picture book recipe

Next up: how to add just a couple different ingredients to improvise on this recipe very easily – and fully flavorfully!

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