Archive for the ‘Cycling Food’ Category

Microwave Cooked Bowl Pancake – All in Pictures

Microwave Bowl Pancake

Gorgeous weather here in the Northeast! Legs are screamin’ at me to get out on the bike – I’ll obey ‘soon as I fire this off!

Here’s what I had yesterday morning to power me through putting together the step-by-step picture book recipe you can get here and a 35+ mile bike ride later in the afternoon (admittedly, after a nut butter and toast snack shortly before hitting the road).

Microwave Cooked Bowl PancakeThe great things about a bowl pancake:

  1. Fantastic flavor that can be altered easily to suit your individual taste.
  2. Speed.
  3. Ease – you use the same bowl to mix, cook and eat the pancake, which makes both prep and cleanup as fast and easy as possible.

Here’s what you need to make a microwave cooked bowl pancake.

Needed to Make a Microwave Bowl PancakeClick any picture on this page for a complete, easy to follow step-by-step picture book recipe.

Microwave Cooked Bowl Pancake Picture Book Recipe pages

Microwave Cooked Pasta with Instant Tuna Parmesan – All in Pictures

Microwave Cooked Pasta with Instant Tuna ParmesanI mentioned in the last post I had another microwave cooked pasta one-bowl meal recipe ready to go. Here it is: Microwave Cooked Pasta with Instant Tuna Parmesan, which is just an easy variation on the Microwave Cooked Pasta with Instant Chicken Parmesan I posted about a week ago.

Briefly, all you need to do is add the ingredients you see below in a microwave oven safe bowl, heat for about 2 minutes in the microwave oven, and you’re done. Easy – and darn flavorful!

Needed to make microwave cooked pasta with instant tuna ParmesanAs always, click any picture on this page for a complete, easy to follow step-by-step picture book recipe.

Microwave Cooked Pasta with Instant Tuna Parmesan recipe pages

Microwave Cooked Pasta with Instant Chicken Parmesan – All in Pictures

Microwave Cooked Pasta with Instant Chicken ParmesanThis is a great way to use leftover pasta to put together a fast, flavorful meal. Just use that pasta, chicken (or any) cold cuts, your favorite pasta sauce, some cheese, then cook it for about 1 1/2 minutes in the microwave oven, and you’re done. Easy!

Here’s what you need to put together microwave cooked pasta with instant chicken Parmesan.

Needed to make pasta with instant chicken parmesanClick any picture on this page for a complete, easy-to-follow step-by-step picture book recipe.

Microwave Cooked Pasta with Instant Chicken Parmesan recipe pages

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