Archive for the ‘Cooking Technique’ Category

Microwave Cooked Oatmeal: Great Move Your Body Food!

Want fuel move your body: prep for a good ride on the bike, run, workout, or to feel fully alive to start your day? Oatmeal’s a great favorite of mine – packed with complex flavorful carbs and fiber, and both those attributes can be well enhanced if you oppose them (i.e. supplement them) with protein or healthy fat.

More about opposing real soon. But first, click the picture above to learn how to cook oatmeal as quickly and easily as possible and that means cooking it in the microwave oven.



Picture Book Directions Show How to Microwave Cook Fresh Spinach

The most important tip regarding spinach is that the less you cook it, the more you retain its flavor, texture, and terrific nutritional value – high in the oil soluble vitamins A, E and K and water soluble vitamins B2, B6 and C as well as rich iron and magnesium content. There’s just no comparison between quickly cooked fresh spinach and spinach that’s been cooked to a very distasteful mushy mass. (My favorite source for spinach’s nutrition and health benefits is The World’s Healthiest Foods:

The second most important tip: to avoid an unpleasant crunch on the sandy soil spinach grows in, always give fresh spinach a Read more »

Oven Roasted Butternut Squash Picture Book Recipe


The toughest part about roasting butternut squash, if you want it in cubed shaped pieces the way you see above, is removing the outer skin as shown in the picture below. After removing the skin (I recommend using a tougher vegetable peeler than the weak and worthless one you see here), roasting is the easiest, most flavorful way I know to prepare butternut squash.


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Cooking Mistakes Can Taste Great!

Cooking Mistakes Can Taste Great

It’s all about not giving up, being flexible, and staying calm – and, you bet, that’s sometimes a lot easier said than done. And while some cooking mistakes are better to walk away from; burned chocolate is a great example – here’s an example of a cooking mistake that turned out tasting great.

I’d recently intended to make a mixed berry fruit pancake that was supposed to look like this…

Berry Pancake

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